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Monday, 24 March 2014

Women in the 21 st century
Where are all the talented women?
The year is 2014, the population of our country has reached almost a billion now, and fifty percent of that huge number constitutes women. Arudhati Bhattacharya has become the first chief of SBI in the last 206 years.  KalpanaChawla, Mother Teresa,SainaNehwal, Sonia Gandhi,Sunita Williams, ChandaKochar, Shikha Sharma, Indira Nooyi  are a few others who have made notable contributions to the society in the field of economics, finance,politics, sports,astro-science and business. We are proud as women ourselves to read about them and celebrate their success, but it is hard to suppress that question which the feminist in me puts forth. Where are all the other talented women?
Safe Society – A distant dream
The society at large has opened up a window or two for the empowerment of women but there are still iron-doors to be wrenched apart. Recently, ‘Nirbheek’ - a small hand- gun has hit the Indian market. The gun has been specially designed for women to defend themselves when attacked. It is a small, light-weight gun, and it is Pink! It is hard for me to imagine a more clichéd version of it. Why does the responsibility of having to protect herself depend only on her? Is that the brilliant solution the society can come up with after the brutal Delhi gang – rape case?
Every time we step forward three paces there are forces around us and also within us to set us back by two paces. No wonder there are only a few of us who make it to the top. How do we empower the other talented women, bring them out of the heavy boulders and help them soar?
Women have been known for their team work and group effort. We have been dealing with so many social pressures for ages, that we are now well equipped and instinctive when it comes to socializing. When we couple these innate qualities in us with financial independence and physical fitness we enable ourselves and become empowered. We could use this to our advantage. Attending workshops, training programs would benefit us immensely and it’s a great way to meeting new people. Co-operative societies and Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) have networking as their main ingredient.
The time is perfect for women to invest on retailing and e-commerce. The reason I have concluded that solution is that, most of the retail space has been conceptualized, designed and executed by men. Further progress for them can only be through discounting their sales or through season/festive offers. There is a wonderful opportunity for the women to design businesses that would entice the whole customer segment of women. The different categories in that particular segment of business could only be designed by women and it presents a huge opportunity.
For artists and small businesses too, e –commerce could work in a great way if they could handle online systems by themselves. Marketing, brand building and sales could be made possible from anywhere.
Economic stability and the social status of women could be enhanced much when entrepreneurship gains momentum among women. When women attend trade fairs and exhibitions they are exposed to different ideas and they could also use the trade fairs as a means to market their own products later. While many policies are being introduced to facilitate women entrepreneurship in India, like, Indira MahilaYojana (IMY), Trade related entrepreneurship assistance and development of women (TREAD) and various other schemes and agencies in every Five Year Plan since 1951, we rarely utilize the welfare policies in its entirety. Women are set back mainly because of their ignorance of their very own legal rights and the women’s associations that exist to support them.
We need to realize that self-care is more important. Only when we are at our best physical and mental health can we help others. Cultivating the habit of reading good material goes a long way in keeping us informed, energized and ready. Being open to new ideas and thought process would help free the mind and freedom always starts from within.
Steven Covey’s . ‘7 Habits of highly effective people’, Robin Sharma’s ‘Mega living! 30 days to a perfect life’, Robert Schuller’s, ‘Tough times never last, but tough people do’ are some great books to start with.
The revolution has just begun; we have more doors to break and more hearts to melt. 

Women in the 21st Century! - J.Abinaya Infanta

Women in the 21st Century!
                                                                       - J.Abinaya Infanta
                                   ‘She’ is a paradigm of Patience
                                         ‘She’ is a paragon of Peace
                                               'She' is an exemplar of Excellence
                                                    ‘She’ is an epithet of Wisdom
When God created the world He created  Man. He saw that it was good. But He wanted to create something better,strong, iron-willed, but at the same time tender, compassionate and beautiful. So He created ‘HER’.
But, Women from time immemorial, had not been given the due respect, which she rightfully deserved. In this society, men tend to dominate women. Some even forget the fact that she, an equal, was created from his ribs, to walk hand in hand with him as a friend, companion and helper, and that without her the Society by itself would be lifeless.
Even women never knew that they were the heartbeat and  the soul of the society. They were never given the time to think for themselves, as they were always burdened with domestic household work. For the Society has often feared her potential, and chose to keep her dormant. Restrictions imposed by the society and few even by herself never allowed her to unleash her fullest potential. Her skills were unused, and if at all it was, it was only for the betterment of her husband and children.
A few women, even at that time challenged the unreasonable norms imposed by this male chauvinistic society. These Women were the pioneers,that we Women of the 21st century have to be thankful to. As they took the lead, the society termed them adamant and arrogant when in reality  they were the otherway. It tagged them ‘headstrong’ for the sin of seeking knowledge, wisdom and understanding. But the society's efforts to curb her from achieving  were in vain. It fell on deaf ears as these women chose to ignore the endless criticisms and scrutiny of the society, for they were strong in their iron resolve. Ayn Rand, Margret thatcher, Indra Gandhi, Marie curie,Eleanor Roosevelt,Dorothy Hodgkin, Sarojini Naidu,Sucheta Kripalani,Dr. Muthu Lakshmi Reddi are the few, to whom we, the women of the 21st century are indebted to, for in their footsteps we traverse.
Now, in  the 21st century,the transformation from a domestic status to an empowered one is almost complete. She has completely broken free the fetters which the society once bound her with, willing to venture into the unknown,diving deep into the ocean of knowledge, striding confidently to challenge the society, which, once deemed her fit only to be a housewife! Name any field, she is there, contributing to the Change which the society earnestly longed for. Be it Indra Nooyi or Kiran Bedi,P.T Usha or  Saina Newal, Sudha moorthy or Sunitha Williams, Anita Desai or Sashi Deshpandi, Arundathi Roy or Medha Patkar, Her Contribution to the society is so immense that She will never ever be taken for granted.In her pursuit of Excellence she stands today, respected,admired and  loved, inspiring a million. Society has recogonized her worth and given her the due respect which she has always deserved. At least now the Society has woken up to the fact that ,
                             '  In His creation She is not just a part, but a class apart!'

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Good thoughts!

You can't change the past, 
               but you can ruin the present 

By  worrying over the future! 

Love...and you shall be loved. 

God always gives His best to those 

who leave the choice with Him.  

All people smile in the same language. 


Everyone needs to be loved... 

especially when they do not deserve it.  

The real measure of a man's wealth 

is what he has invested in eternity.  

Laughter is God's sunshine. 

Everyone has beauty 

but not everyone sees it. 

It's important for parents to live 

the same things they teach.  

Thank God for what you have, 

TRUST GOD for what you need.  

If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow,  

you have no today to be thankful for. 

Man looks at outward appearance 

but the Lord looks within.  

The choice you make today 

will usually affect tomorrow

Take time to laugh, for it is 

the music of the soul.  

Patience is the ability to idle your motor 

when you feel like stripping your gears.  

Love is strengthened by working 

through conflicts together.  

Harsh words break no bones 

but they do break hearts. 
To get out of a difficulty, 

one usually must go through it.  

We take for granted the things 

that we should be giving thanks for.  

Love is the only thing that can be 

divided without being diminished.  

Happiness is enhanced by others 

but does not depend upon others.  

For every minute you are angry with someone, 

you lose 60 seconds of happiness  
that you can never get back.  

Do what you can, for who you can, 

with what you have, and where you are. 


Friday, 7 March 2014

Happy Women's Day!

woman, you are not merely the
handiwork of God, but also of men;
these are ever endowing you with
beauty from their hearts.
Poets are weaving for you a web
with threads of golden imagery;
painters are giving your form ever
new immortality.
The sea gives its pearls, the mines
their gold, the summer gardens their
flowers to deck you, to cover you, to
make you more precious.
The desire of men's hearts has shed
its glory over your youth.
You are one half woman and one
half dream.


Saturday, 1 March 2014

Loyola Women'S Hostel Day!